Thursday, November 10, 2016

Cool and Fun Scientific Method Activities for Kids

Fun scientific method activities are perfect ways for parents to teach their kids about science. Parents have many ways to teach knowledge to their kids. It appears that combining learning with playing activities are the best way for parents to teach knowledge to their kids. It is because kids’ naturally like playing. Besides, kids are too easily to get bored to learn conventionally. In fact, kids are more attracted to learn in a fun way through scientific experiment activities. Parents can also be closer to their kids since such activities require guidance from parents. Thus, here are some cool and fun scientific activities that you, parents, may try with your kids.

Cool and Fun Firework in a Jar Scientific Activity

Fun Scientific Method Activities

Firework in a jar scientific activity can be a great way for parents to teach about density of every liquid. You just need to prepare a jar of warm water, vegetable oil, food coloring (three different colors) to have fun with this fun scientific method activity. First of all, you need to mix approximately 3 table spoon of vegetable oil with the food colorings. Stir it gently with a fork. Those two different type of liquid will not be perfectly mixed actually since they have different density, the food colorings will just break into smaller dots. Afterwards, pour the mixture to the jar containing warm water. Thus, you will see the colored oil drops sink down and mix creating firework effects.

Mentos Lava Scientific Activity

Mentos lava scientific activity is another cool and fun activity. What you need to prepare is just a bottle of coke and a packet of mint Mentos. Afterwards, the first thing you need to do is to drop the mint Mentos to the coke. And, whoosh! You will see a sticky brown lava flood out of the bottle. It happens because a bottle of soda contains full of carbon dioxide. It appears that the carbon dioxide gas is suspended in the liquid since the bottle is closed. When you open the bottle and drop a Mentos in it, Mentos drops to the bottom and the gas forms a lot of bubbles on it. As the result, the reaction forces the liquid out and form sticky brown lava. Thus, you have done one more cool fun scientific method activities.


Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Activities to teach scientific method for all grades

A teacher should be more creative in creating fun activities to teach scientific method for their students.  Students are more interesting to involve into fun activities.  If you are teacher and want to teach your students with scientific method, then what you need to do is remember for these terms that should be and associated with the method. The first is hypothesis. This activity involves the statement that consists from some observation without backing from evidence that supported from experiment.

Next is theory. Theory is statement that consists from at least one observation and supported with much evidence from experiment. The theory is available to modify when new data or evidence is discovered. Next is law. Law is scientific statement that has been proven again and over again by experiment and it usually stands for time test and resists changing. The last is model. Model is scientific statement that has already validated with certain extend by experiment but accurately prove within limit. The scientific model may unable to replicate in situation or environment.

Activities to teach scientific method

Use the interactive method when you are teaching your kids or students method practice. Creates simply experiment that happens daily in their environment everyday can make them understand for the phenomena that happen around them with scientific learning.  The activities that you can involves students such as fair test contest, experiment task cards, skittles experiment, study jams and many more. The multiple trials is fun lesson for introduce trials for elementary school students. Use bouncy balls to teach this scientific method and repeat the trials. This scientific method is also able for upper grade, young elementary and upper elementary.

If your school has facilitated of video player, then you can use study jams activity. In study jams activity, students are discuss any questions, hypothesis, variables control, data recording, and design experimental and draw the conclusion together.  The interactive method when work with scientific method with your students means that you need to communicate with what they learn. Communicate with others students for what their result and logic think behind them. The examples of activities that you can determine are student’s science detective game. This is fun ways for elementary students into college level to learn scientific method.  The game just requires about 10 minutes activities to teach scientific method on what happen around them.


Friday, September 30, 2016

The Roads to Conduct Scientific Method

There are some of the steps to the scientific method that you should know. If you are about to conduct a research, you can use these steps. Why? Scientific method is actually quite easy to follow. You can provide scientific answers for your questions. Using scientific method does not mean you use scientists’ methods. In other words, scientific method may vary based on the area of science. For that reason, the numbers of the steps in each area is also different. However, generally people use around 6 to 8 easy steps. These steps are the most familiar in conducting, let say, a simple research in the class.

The steps to the scientific method

Each Step in Scientific Method

Many people usually start the method by asking a general question. The question should relate to the area of research. After asking a question, you can start the next process, which is giving an explanation or answer. The general question is taken after you do some observation. If you are able to narrow down your question as well as your research, you will be able to form hypothesis.

At this point, you should prepare possible answers. Next, you should test and also evaluate your hypothesis. The experiments should involve significant data that you have gathered during the observation. During the experiments, you must take some notes or make a record about the result.
The next important step is analyzing all gathered data. You should divide and organize the data based on your questions. Some people even use statistical data in order to gain valid results.

Many people are not really careful in making a conclusion. This step contains the result of the research and also niche for further research for anyone who has similar interest. In some cases, many people present the result in front of people or publish the result on the internet like blog or other social media.

Generally, using scientific method is quite easy. It assists disorganized people who find it difficult to conduct and write their analysis. Anyone can apply this method, starting from parents, teachers, as well as students. So, the steps to the scientific method enable you to do critical thinking and to have a better understanding on your surroundings.


Saturday, September 24, 2016

Children Need Scientific Method in Studying

Scientific method for children is recommended, especially in studying science. Science is one of the lessons at school that requires critical thinking. For that reason, it is significant for children to know how to conduct credible investigation.

This method uses thorough observation and analysis that help the children to provide answers scientifically. Teachers and parents can teach the children this method in order to make them more aware of their surroundings and lessons. Basically, scientific methods are different for each area of science. In other words, some areas are probably using easier and simple ways than others.

Scientific method for children

8 Scientific Methods for your Children

There are 8 main scientific methods for children. You can use these methods not only at school, but also at home. This method starts with observation and then leads to question. You can ask the children the topic that they want to know most or what interest them.

A background research is the next in line. You can give the children some books or ask them to use Google and gather all the information related to the question.

Next, you should teach the students to make hypothesis. The children can use background research as well as knowledge that they have to guess the answer of the question or to ask them about what they think will happen. You can ask the children to make a simple hypothesis.

After making hypothesis, you should ask the children to conduct an experiment. The experiment will test their hypothesis whether or not it is right. The next step that the children must do is collecting, recording, and processing the data. They should prepare a notebook or a document to keep all the details dealing with their research. Next, the children should write a conclusion about their experiment based on their analysis. They should write down the result of their analysis, especially the strengths.

The last step is presenting their result. If you are a teacher, you can ask the children to submit a scientific journal and report it in front of the class or display it on board. Scientific methods for children train the children to think critically and meticulously.


Sunday, September 18, 2016

Kids’ Corner: Scientific Method Activities for Kids

Do you want your children learn about scientific method activities for kids? To build the reasonable and scientific answers amongst all people and it usually is started when you were a child, you need to build the scientific activities around your children. The activities can be at school or even at home with you, as parents.

By Book

Book is the world’s simply tool to know all knowledge and information. It is also cheaper and easier for you to get and conduct scientific method activities for kids. But to make a special scientific book, you can make it with your children. Collect all information, examples or ideas from the kids. Help them to write what they should do in their notebook to complete the scientific book.

Scientific Method Activities for Kids

To gather the data, the kids need to explore nature more. So, you must remind them to place safety first such as wearing gloves, aprons and googles. The kids or students can bring their waterproof plastic to keep the data or samples protected during the science experiments occurring.

By Demo

Other way to gather data is by observing the model. The students can do the scientific research or experiments by only looking at a model you have made before. For example, you bring a magnet. Ask a leading question or giving a hypothesis first. Tell them that they will watch a scientific movie related to magnet. Ask them to note well every information they gather. And tell them, they need to share what they get while watching the movie.

By giving demo either using movie or a real show model, the point is that you let the students to think what they see or find. Then what they are going to do with all data they have get. And the last stage, you tell them that at the end, they should analyze the data and draw some conclusions.

Scientific method activities for kids are fun to bring on as physical and thinking activities. As teachers or parents, we believe that by having fun ways to teach will make kids excited to learn. This makes scientific goes easy to do and it will teach the kids to think logically at the future. By asking, observing and answering.


Saturday, September 10, 2016

What Are Scientific Method Steps for Kids?

Scientific method steps for kids need to know in order to guide you in determining the proper step of this method. It is actually as similar to the common steps of scientific methods. Certainly, it has been some improvements regarding to the age of kids. Here are the steps of scientific method for kids that you should know.

Having Scientific Process

Scientific process becomes a cycle to form hypotheses, gathering data, confirming, making generalization, and repeating cycle. The basic skills used in this scientific method include observing, clarifying and comparing, measuring, communicating, experimenting, deducting, and applying. Because deducting and applying require abstract thoughts, kids should not hopefully become competent in this competency and skill.

Scientific Method Steps for Kids

Mastering Process of Kids’ Scientific Skills

Kids have found the knowledge content by applying the process of knowledge. This can be done by doing scientific activities, class discussion, reading, and some other learning strategies to do. This is a thinking skill required to study knowledge. Process skill is enabling kids to process new information through experiments. The appropriate skills for kids are observing, classifying, comparing, measuring, communicating, and experimenting. By honing these skills, it is very important to face daily life and future study in kids’ science and math.

Developing Scientific Behavior

In some things, the behavior and attitude to subjects or activities are as important as its subject. One of the examples is an individual recognizing that smoking can kill him but he keeps smoking. Another example is about people knowing safety belt functions but they tend to refuse to use it. This is same as the scientific behavior.


The mental of kids have not been developed to the certain spot in which they can think rationally about forming attitude to systematic problems. But, they can practice their behavior that will create long-term habits representing scientific attitude. Curiosity is regarded to be one of precious attitude that can be processed.


A skeptic seems to appear among kids. Kids are forced to wonder why and be careful on nominal values. The experience is designed to do direct observation and data gathering naturally. It is useful to force kids to explore new situation objectively and openly. Those are some scientific method steps for kids.


Thursday, September 8, 2016

Easy Steps To Scientific Method

Steps to scientific method are actually easy and efficient to do. Even little kids can do scientific experiments easily with proper steps. What they need is only to read closely the instructions so the result of scientific method will happen. And that’s why on this article we want to introduce you for one example of scientific method. It can be tried at home and of course all people can do it : either you are worker, student or only a ten years old kid. This one example is how to make plastic in milk. So, how to do that?

Steps To Scientific Method

First, what you need is tools and ingredients like milk (about a cup of milk), white vinegar (4 teaspoons), bowl and a strainer. Usually, these tools are available around your kitchen applies or maybe inside your refrigerator. Now, after you prepare all those things, you can start the experiment. One thing for sure, if you are beginner or just a kid, better to get someone as your guide to aware of any risks. And here are some steps to scientific method :  start with heating up the milk (if you are a kid, you can ask your parent or older friend to do that) and if it’s hot enough, you can pour milk into the bowl. Put white vinegar into the bowl of milk and stir it up for a few minutes. The climax part is here : stand in front of the sink and pour the milk through the strainer. Let the watery part out into the sink because the lumpy blobs will be seen in the strainer. Wait about 30 minutes before you can rinse the mass of lumpy blobs and shape the mold. After that, usually the shape will be as hard as plastic and you will get a total plastic in milk!

So, what do you think? Are you really interested to do scientific experiments like doing this plastic in milk? Not only for fun but you can know and learn science reactions from simple things around you. More than that, the subject of experiment might be useful or important for your necessaries and display. Just remember before you practically do the experiment, always read  clearly the whole steps to scientific method!
