Thursday, September 1, 2016

What Are the Steps of the Scientific Method That You Should Know?

What are the steps of the scientific method? It seems to be a question often heard related to biology subject and scientific method. Scientific method has been developed by Francis Bacon being called to be inductive method. It has been used by researchers to solve existed problems. To overcome those problems, it is importantly conducted these following steps of scientific method.

Formulating Problems

This becomes the first scientific method step to do. Formulating problems is aimed at clarifying the problems. With submitting some existed problems and directing it to be some parts, it is useful to handle the big problems. It also works effectively if there are some great problems. It can answer the question of what are the steps of the scientific method.

What Are the Steps of the Scientific Method

Conducting a Plan of Scientific Research

The next step in scientific method is conducting a plan. The research plan is made in the form of research plans. You can make it by creating the aim of research, doing the arrangement of hypotheses based on existed problems and data related to your research, and determining research variables. The next is selecting tools and materials used for a study so that it runs well. Determining working steps or research method can be used to handle it. Then, it takes population and sample by analyzing the data. This is of course conducted by making literature review so that it gains related data and conducted study methods.

Performing a Study of Scientific

This becomes a scientific method step to do after research plan or proposal received. The research depends on the steps of research or research methodology used. Generally, it starts from observing directly or indirectly. It is aimed testing made hypotheses that has been arranged. The knowledge on trial tools is important in the ways of performing the study. Prevent human error in taking data.


After managing and analyzing data, the next step of scientific method is deducing. Making conclusion of research must be based on the result of study and still holds objective views. Then, it takes remedial on your research to get the best and valid scientific result. Finally, it composes the final research report. It has been clear on what are the steps of scientific method.
